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New distributor in the territory of Greece and Cyprus
We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Alfa Analytical Instruments as distributor in the territory of Greece and Cyprus as of January 1st,…
New dates for our glass installation training!
Would you like to independently maintain and service your Buchi glass plant? Then sign up now for our two-day glass installation training!
Successo nell'ingegneria di reazione nel campo del riciclaggio delle materie plastiche
I ricercatori del Politecnico di Zurigo, in collaborazione con Buchi, hanno dimostrato che i parametri di agitazione ottimali svolgono un ruolo chiave…
Guardate il nostro ultimo video sulla nostra linea di reattori filtranti FR
Progettato per combinare reattori e filtri Nutsche in un'unica apparecchiatura, questo sistema ottimizza la sintesi e l'estrazione per API cGMP,…
Our latest video: Pressure reactor tinyclave
In our latest video we introduce you to our smallest pressure reactor, the tinyclave. This versatile laboratory autoclave gives you the flexibility to…
Waste chemicals upgrading to fuel-range hydrocarbons
Discover our latest application note on upgrading waste chemicals into fuel-range hydrocarbons using the Buchi midiclave reactor at Empa.
Learn how…
Tantalum pressure reactors - Buchi sets new standards
We are pleased to present a laboratory pressure reactor versoclave® made of the special material tantalum. The metal tantalum has outstanding…
New product line – Buchi filter reactors: FR 10, FR 30 & FR 50
We have a new Buchi FR filter reactor product line for pilot plants and kilo labs. This product line combines reactor and nutsche filter in one…
kiloclave® - new product video
Today we are presenting our tried and tested kiloclave® pressure reactor. The kiloclave® is used in hundreds of laboratories and pilot plants…
miniclave inert - metal-free small reactor without stirrer
Are you familiar with our metal-free pressure reactor, the miniclave inert?
This pressure reactor is versatile and can be operated with various…
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